… in preparation for a week of rummaging, delving and diving into
boxes, cases and stalls of treasure just waiting to be rediscovered. Yip, it is
that time again but this month we have two collectors fairs in one week. So it’s
elbows sharpened and my beseeching ‘’what is your very best price’’ face - scary
yes, but with enough persuasiveness to make even the hardiest of stall holders submit.
I will be on the trawl for the customary goodies: linen and
lace (my stash is getting seriously depleted), haberdashery and usual tiny
treasures as well as the quirky and the unique. Optimistically, I hope to come back loaded, exhausted but
inspired with some new treasures to sit and gloat over.
In the meantime though, I am kept out of mischief with other
more seasonable chores. There is a lot
to do in the garden in preparation for the cold weather so, wellies donned (prettily decorated with sweet peas - a surprise pressie from His Nibs) and yielding
my secateurs I cut back, dead head, trim and take cuttings - I love it all. Although
still fairly green, there is a definite turning here and there in the trees and hedges of yellowy gold but there is
still a tadge of colour about where summer blooms have repeat flowered and the
light today is perfect for capturing them.
Still a few butterflies about ...
... and the odd damsel fly ...
A stray still flowering Ragged Robin in the woodland garden ...
... neighbours a teeny ballerina rose.
A beutifully fragranced old rose is on its third flowering
The alpine strawberries have a delicious perfumed sweetness and make the most exquisite jam. I planted them all over the garden.
A beautifully pure Japanese Anenome taken from a cutting of a very special friend who is no longer here. It flowered for the first time this year.
I cannot remember the name of this shrub but it has flowered non stop all Summer and is still covered every day with bees.
This Rudbekia is going over now but is still beautiful
This Hydranga starts off a delicate white and matures to this glroious lime green.
Another Hydranga - this one starts a soft white and lime green but turns sugar pink as it matures.
Whether you are relaxing or pottering I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.